This 1-day hands-on course, using fresh human cadaver heads, provides insight into oral anatomy with relevance in oral surgical procedures. Main focus is the sinus lift procedure. Theoretical aspects on relevant anatomical issues and grafting procedures are presented in summary.
The hands-on parts cover the following:
Lateral window approach with rotary instruments
Lateral window approach with piezosurgery
Transcrestal approach with osteotomes
Transcrestal approach with a magnetic mallet
Autogenous bone harvesting
And the program leaves space for adaptation for individual wishes!
The course will take place in Austria at the Institute for Anatomy (Medical University of Vienna), Währinger Straße 13, 1090 Vienna.
Course program
09:00 - 09:30
Fresh-up in oral anatomy
09:30 - 10:00
Novel approaches for MSFA: intra-antral perforations for improved graft consolidation
10:00 - 10:15
Coffee Break
10:15 - 10:45
Novel approaches for MSFA: magnetic mallet for transcrestal sinus lift
10:45 - 12:45
Hands-on Sinus Lift - Lateral window approach with rotary instruments / with piezosurgery & Transcrestal approach with osteotomes / with a magnetic mallet
12:45 - 13:15
Lunch Break
13:15 - 13:45
Fresh-up in bone biology of grafting materials
13:45 - 16:30
Hands-on - Autogenous bone harvesting & Dissection of the sinus and other anatomical structures
Coffee, beverages, finger food, fruits and sweets will be available throughout the course in the lecture room, adjacent to the laboratory.
Course language: English
Course Fee: € 1.590 (excl. VAT)
Limited to 20 participants - only 2 spots left!
General Terms & Conditions
This event was accredited with 9 continuous education points (“Fortbildungspunkte”) in Austria.
Supported by
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