Online Courses
Our online courses give an overview on the topic in the form of a lecture, where various surgical techniques are explained with various clinical cases, including videos, and provide space for discussion of your own cases. The lectures last 1.5-2h and the case-discussion part lasts about another 1h. In the case-discussion part, you can bring cases, which you are planning right now and where you would like to receive some feedback on your treatment plan, or cases where you would like to get some feedback on a treatment already performed. You will receive more specific information on the case-discussion part, once you register.
All online courses are limited to max. 20 participants to allow an open discussion. You can choose your favorite topic or book all 4 topics as a package with 100€ reduction!
Topic 1 – Peri-implantitis treatment
The course focuses on the diagnosis, non-surgical, and surgical management of peri-implantitis. The various surgical treatment approaches (i.e., resective, regenerative, and combined approach) are illustrated with a series of clinical cases, including several videos.
Available dates:
Thursday, 20.05.2021 18-21:00
Course language: English
Limited to 20 participants
Registration fee: € 150 (excl. VAT)
Topic 2 - Mucogingival surgery
The course focuses on the diagnosis, treatment planning, and surgical procedures for covering single and multiple gingival recessions. The various flap designs, techniques for autologous tissue harvesting, and possibilities with soft tissue substitutes are discussed and illustrated with a series of clinical cases, including several videos.
Available dates:
Thursday, 10.06.2021 18-21:00
Course language: English
Limited to 20 participants
Registration fee: € 150 (excl. VAT)
Topic 3 – Soft tissue management around dental implants
The course focuses on the diagnosis of peri-implant soft tissue conditions, and the surgical soft tissue management around dental implants to avoid biological complications, improve aesthetics, and improve the outcome of surgical peri-implantitis treatment. The various flap designs, techniques for autologous tissue harvesting, and possibilities with soft tissue substitutes are discussed and illustrated with a series of clinical cases, including several videos.
Available dates:
Wednesday, 15.09.2021 18-21:00
Course language: English
Limited to 20 participants
Registration fee: € 150 (excl. VAT)
Topic 4 – Regenerative periodontal therapy
The course provides an overview of the background of regenerative periodontal therapy, and focuses on the diagnosis, treatment planning, and surgical procedure of intrabony and furcation defects. The various treatment options and regenerative materials are discussed and illustrated with a series of clinical cases, including several videos.
Available dates:
Wednesday, 27.10.2021 18-21:00
Course language: English
Limited to 20 participants
Registration fee: € 150 (excl. VAT)